

Lets get it studied!

The first thing that strikes a visitor about Stanford University is bicycles is a lot of bicycles. And it is not only students who are using this kind of transportation, but also very respectable professors prefer a two-wheel ride.

The necessity of it is easy to get, once you know that Stanford has got the largest non-remote campus in the World. It has seven schools there such as Law and Business, Earth sciences and Medicine.

“It is harder to study in here, then 30 years ago”, says Professor Thomas from Sweden. You can tell it when you bump into the sign “24 hour study room” for a third time just by rambling around the buildings of the campus. That's a bit scary. But what you gonna do if you are always in a race? In a race for the best grades with other students. The thing is that the final mark is based on the average value among members of your class. Consider also that all your mates were the best ones in their school or even country before coming to Stanford…

And even under such stress students do not go for cheating at exams. It is called “honor code” - the list of rules for all stanfordees. Professor gives you an assignment and leaves the room to wait for you to finish it.

No wonder, the famous Silicon Valley was started by graduates of Stanford – that is the reason why they are only divided by the distance of a half an hour walk. Until now the World’s core of high technologies keeps getting the most of its staff from this University. Examples: Sergey Brin and Larry Page – the founders of Google, William Hewlett and David Packard – Hewlett and Packard, Peter Thiel – PayPal, Jarry Yang and David Filo – Yahoo!

It only can be happening in the places where people’s innovative ideas and detailed researches are ready to be considered or even fully supported.

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